GEG 112 - Physical Geography Laboratory |
Applies the scientific method of observation, hypothesis formation, and experimentation to Earth's four physical spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. IAI P1 909L
Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in GEG 111 with a grade of C or better.
1.000 Credit hours 0.000 Lecture hours 2.000 Lab hours Levels: Credit Schedule Types: Blended (Online and On Campus), Lab, OnCampus 100%, Online LIVE (Synchronous), PENDING - CLASS FORMAT TBD, Online ANYTIME (Asynchronous) All Sections for this Course Business and Social Sciences Division Geography Department Course Attributes: Communication - Reinforcement, Diverse Persp & Culture-Not Re, Information Literacy-Intro, Quantitative Reasoning-Pract, Critical Thinking - Reinforce, Uses Streaming Applications, Lab Science, Natural Sciences-AAS, Physical Science Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Programs: English as a Second Language Adult Education Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Credit Prerequisites: GEG112 Prerequisite General Requirements: ( Course or Test: GEG 111 Minimum Grade of C May be taken concurrently. ) |
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