GEG 103 - The Developing World |
Examines the regions of the world conventionally called "developing" or emerging," including the spatial patterns of physical and cultural elements that impart unique identities within these regions using both digital and traditional maps to explore complex geopolitical relations and/or international conflicts among developing regions of the world. IAI S4 902N
3.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours 0.000 Lab hours Levels: Credit Schedule Types: Blended (Online and On Campus), Lecture, Online LIVE (Synchronous), PENDING - CLASS FORMAT TBD, Online ANYTIME (Asynchronous) Business and Social Sciences Division Geography Department Course Attributes: Communication - Introduction, Diverse Persp & Culture-Pract, Information Literacy-Intro, Geography Elective, Quantitative Reasoning-Intro, Critical Thinking - Reinforce, Social/Behavioral Sci-AA/AS, Social/Behavioral Sciences-AAS, World Culture and Diversity Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Programs: English as a Second Language Adult Education Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Credit |
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