GEG 100 - Cultural Geography |
Provides a systematic or regional introduction to the basic concepts of human geography using spatial analysis/awareness with both traditional and digital map analysis. Examines the causes and consequences of the uneven distribution of human activity, covering themes such as population, culture, economic activity, development, and urban patterns. IAI S4 900N
3.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours 0.000 Lab hours Levels: Credit Schedule Types: Blended (Online and On Campus), Lecture, Online LIVE (Synchronous), PENDING - CLASS FORMAT TBD, Online ANYTIME (Asynchronous) Business and Social Sciences Division Geography Department Course Attributes: Adv Placement Credit Eligible, Communication - Introduction, Diverse Persp & Culture-Pract, Geography-AA/AS/AES, Information Literacy-Intro, Geography Elective, Quantitative Reasoning-Intro, Critical Thinking - Reinforce, Social/Behavioral Sci-AA/AS, Social/Behavioral Sciences-AAS, World Culture and Diversity Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Programs: English as a Second Language Adult Education Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Credit |
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